
Collins Community Credit Union

Des Moines Branch Update

Our Ingersoll Price Chopper location is now open. The Price Chopper locations will provide extended night and weekend hours, and upgraded technology. The Me...

Published on Jun 27, 2016

Our Ingersoll Price Chopper location is now open. The Price Chopper locations will provide extended night and weekend hours, and upgraded technology. The Merle Hay Price Chopper is expected to open July 8, and the Johnston Price Chopper is expected to open mid-July.

On July 1, 2016, our Harding Hills location will permanently close. With the closing of this location, there were concerns regarding drive-up access in the Des Moines metro area. We are happy to announce that we will be opening a full-service branch located at 6260 Mills Civic Parkway, which will have drive-up access. The Mills Civic branch is expected to open fall 2016.

Collins Community Credit Union Ingersoll Location in Des Moines

3425 Ingersoll Ave. Des Moines

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