
Collins Community Credit Union

Over $150 in Savings!

Published on Aug 23, 2012


Did that title catch your eye? I know it would mine! And that’s just what I saved using Benefits Plus!

With a conference to attend this fall, a colleague and I thought we’d take a look at some different pricing options. First we priced out airfare and hotel through the conference website. Then we went to the airlines and hotel website to see if we could get a better deal. We even tried and Then we thought why not give Benefits Plus a call to see what they have to offer? We were able to book hotel and airfare (for myself and a colleague) for $100 cheaper than any other option. Then on top of that we received a rebate in the mail from Benefits Plus for $50.45! We were amazed at how easy the process was and how friendly the customer service was with Benefits Plus. We did way too much work on our own to find out we had our very own travel agent the second we picked up the phone and dialed Benefits Plus.

I’m looking forward to making all my future travel plans with my very own travel agent, Benefits Plus.

Amy D.
Project Manager
42nd Street Branch

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