Member Savings Challenge
Watch your savings skyrocket!
If you're ready to ignite your financial future and watch your savings skyrocket, take the Member Savings Challenge! We’ve set a goal to save our members $12 million by refinancing high-interest rate loans from other financial institutions, consolidating debt, and offering products and services that fit their lifestyle.
- Meet with a Collins Community CU staff member for a free financial review.
- Refinance high interest rate loans and consolidate debt.
- Save money!
Ignite your financial future. For your free financial review, visit a Collins Community CU location near you, call 800-475-1150, or click here to have a Collins Community CU staff member contact you.
*Existing loans with Collins Community CU do not qualify. Subject to credit approval. Restrictions and processing fee may apply. Must meet membership eligibility requirements. All loans subject to approval. Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Opportunity.