
Collins Community Credit Union

Beware of Unidentified Calls or Attempts to Gain Access to Your Online Banking Account

If you receive an unidentified call or voicemail about your online banking account, and you believe it to be suspicious or fraudulent, please hang up immediately and contact us at 800-475-1150. We are available to assist you.

Important Tips: Never provide your credit or debit card information, or online banking credentials to someone who calls you unsolicited. Be suspicious of any caller who asks for your personal information, such as your Social Security number or bank account number. If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a call, hang up and call us directly at 800-475-1150We will never contact you to ask for your personal information or login credentials. A message from Collins Community Credit Union will always include identification.

14 Creative Ways to Start Saving

Beware of Unidentified Calls or Attempts to Gain Access to Your Online Banking Account

If you receive an unidentified call or voicemail about your online banking account, and you believe it to be suspicious or fraudulent, please hang up immediately and contact us at 800-475-1150. We are available to assist you.

Important Tips: Never provide your credit or debit card information, or online banking credentials to someone who calls you unsolicited. Be suspicious of any caller who asks for your personal information, such as your Social Security number or bank account number. If you are unsure about the legitimacy of a call, hang up and call us directly at 800-475-1150We will never contact you to ask for your personal information or login credentials. A message from Collins Community Credit Union will always include identification.

Many of us grew up using piggy banks but saving in adulthood is a bit more complicated than tossing spare change in a ceramic container. It’s more about finding money to save than the saving itself. So, if you’re eager to grow your financial reserve but aren’t sure where to begin, here are fourteen creative ways to generate some extra cash for your savings account.

Published on Sep 27, 2018
  1. Find an app for that! There are some cool apps out there designed to help track your spending and encourage saving. 
  2. Hit up rewards programs. Find beneficial rewards programs for things you already buy—like gas and groceries. That being said, be careful to not spend for the sake of getting rewards!
  3. Cut something out. As Americans, we’re prone to spending freely on things we don’t really need or use. Consider your monthly expense budget and see where you can make some cuts. From cable channels to magazine subscriptions, there are plenty of places to save.
  4. Go green! Not only will you be saving the planet, you’ll be saving that money. Energy-saving products like LED lightbulbs will last longer so you will purchase less bulbs. Also, finding ways to re-use things will prevent you from spending money on new stuff. Or, if you’re feeling exceptionally daring, adjust your thermometer a few degrees to save on electric costs!
  5. Find hobbies that work for you. Lots of fun hobbies can also have thrifty perks. If you take up gardening, you can eat the food you grow. With crafting, you can create your own gifts and cards. Even sewing allows you to make and repair your own clothes.
  6. Clean your house… and sell your stuff. One person’s dusty attic items are another person’s treasure, so consider throwing a garage sale or using that eBay account.
  7. Host a night in instead of going out. The cost for a night on the town can leave your bank account hurting. So instead of going out for dinner and drinks with your friends, consider playing host or hostess and inviting them over for a party of your own.
  8. Ditch the [bad] habit. Cigarettes and booze aren’t only bad for your health, they’re bad for your wallet. So, use the financial incentive to cut back on unhealthy habits.
  9. Buy used. If shopping is a guilty pleasure that you just can’t bring yourself to nix, then do it the smart way. Hit up thrift stores, consignment shops, and other secondhand markets.
  10. Go generic. Generic products like medicine and cleaning items use the same ingredients as their name-brand peers. So, don’t hesitate to make the switch! You’ll save a few bucks without compromising quality.
  11. Buy in bulk. When it comes to buying in bulk, expect to spend more upfront but less over time.
  12. Check out the benefits that your employer offers. Many large companies are generous with perks and benefits, like gym membership deals and discount pricing at selected retailers. Do some research and take advantage of your options!
  13. Go on a diet. While you don’t have to eat less, you can save by eating differently. Products like meat and sugary beverages can significantly hike up the price of grocery bills, so opt for cheaper alternatives, like beans and rice.
  14. Be smart about going out. Taking advantage of matinée shows and happy hour specials is an easy way to stay budget-friendly when you decide to treat yourself. Use those opportunities to enjoy yourself. 

There you have it! It doesn’t have to be stressful or seem impossible to save money. These simple hacks will help your account grow in no time.  

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