Good morning and happy Monday! Who else was disappointed to wake up to snow this morning? After the beautiful weather we had on Saturday I am definitely getting spring fever; but, the morning snow was a beautiful reminder that winter is here for seven more weeks.
As you may recall, a few weeks ago I posted a blog post about my new year’s resolution, which is to save money. I decided that this year I want to save more money, and blogging about my progress would help keep me on track. If you missed my post, click here to get the scoop.
This past Friday, January 23, marked week four of the challenge and I’m happy to report that I am on track! Now, it’s still early, so it’s easy to throw $1, $2, $3, $4 into savings, but as the weeks continue to go by it may become more challenging. According to the plan, by week four, you should have $10 in savings. So, as you can see, I started with $23.21 and now I’m up to $33.21. (Remember, I added an extra $23.00 in the beginning so that by the end I would have an even $1,400 not including interest earned on my savings account.)
Using the checklist I created and having a calendar reminder set on my Outlook has been a huge help. The checklist helps me visualize my progress and without the Outlook reminder I would never remember to transfer the money. And, although it may not be an accurate representation of my progress, it’s also helpful to watch my money grow in Money Meter. Here’s a snapshot from week one and week four.
If you’re participating in the 52 Week Savings Challenge share your progress with us in the comments below. Has it been easy so far? What tips and tricks work for you? Let’s help each other reach our goals! If you haven’t started saving yet, but want to join in on the fun, it’s not too late! Throw $10 into a savings account and pick up on week 5. If you need a savings account, click here to view our savings options.
Happy saving, everyone!
Taylor Yezek
eMarketing Specialist