
Collins Community Credit Union

The Triple CU Scoop - Save Up for Your Summer Sabbatical!

Published on May 15, 2013

As a new summer intern with CCCU and a full-time college student, my understanding of the importance of financial awareness and security is constantly growing. While I strive to critique my professionalism and increase my contribution to our members and the community, I place a strong weight in the time I spend with my family. With this in mind, I find that the best way to really get in touch with my loved ones is to travel and escape reality; after all, it is summer! 

Taking a vacation each year is not only a luxury, but necessary for some R&R and time with your family. So how can you make sure you’re financially ready to take that much needed time off? By opening a Thrift/Vacation savings account with CCCU, you can set aside money to save up fast and avoid unnecessary spending. This opportunity can really set the base for the vacation that you and your family deserve. 

Zachary Quebral
Marketing Intern
Upcoming Senior at Florida State University

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