
Collins Community Credit Union

Take Advantage Of Money Smart Week

In May of 2020, 20.6 million Americans lost their jobs, creating an economic fall-out that continues to affect millions of U.S. adults and their perceived economic outlook. Though there are marked signs of improvement in the U.S. labor market, many Americans believe the coronavirus outbreak continues to impact their personal ability to achieve long-term financial goals.

Published on Apr 06, 2021

While there have been other pandemic events in history, there’s a lot that’s unknown about coronavirus, and that includes the financial impact this period could have.

Collins Community Credit Union is here to offer guidance to improve your financial footprint and provide support as you work toward reaching your short-term and long-term financial goals.

We invite you to register for Money Smart Week, a week-long free virtual campaign to help people manage their finances, particularly those hardest hit by the pandemic.

Money Smart Week will be held online from April 10th to April 17th, with daily sessions on topics ranging from understanding the basics of federal student loans to managing personal finances during COVID-19.

While many of us may be ready to attend conferences in-person so we can wear our favorite heels or tie and mingle with like-minded people, the Money Smart Week conference is virtual. You can receive premium financial advice from your couch, and signing up is easy to do.

Attendance is free and open to the public, but we advise registering in advance. You can register online quickly and easily with your name and email. When registering, you can select one or all of the available eight events. If you have questions for the panelists, plan to submit them during registration since there won’t be a live Q&A forum.

Led by industry-leading finance experts, each session lasts only 15 or 20 minutes, with many scheduled over the lunch hour. Get bite-sized discussions that pack a lunch 𑁋 er, punch 𑁋 and provide you with the information and tools to help you get your finances back on track after a challenging year.

Check out the schedule below to see which topics may interest you most! Note that sessions will be available at Central Standard Time (CST).


April 10, 2021 | 10:00am - 10:15am | “Talking Cents”
Presented by UChicago Financial Education Initiative


April 11th, 2021 | 10:00am - 10:15am | “Savings: A Little Can Make a Big Difference”
Presented by FINRA Investor Education Foundation


April 12th, 2021 | 12:00pm - 12:00pm | “Bank On It: Finding Safe + Affordable Bank Accounts”
Presented by Economic Awareness Council


April 13th, 2021 | 12:30pm - 12:50pm | “Understanding the Basics of Federal Student Loans”
Presented by the U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid


April 14th, 2021 | 1:00pm - 1:15pm | “Tax-Related Fraud + Identity Theft”
Presented by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


April 15th, 2021 | 1:00pm - 1:15pm | “Managing Personal Finances During COVID-19”
Presented by Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center


April 16th, 2021 | 12:00pm - 12:15pm | “Housing Protections + Resources”
Presented by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau


April 17th, 2021 | 10:30am - 10:45am | “Tips for Managing Money Ups and Downs”
Presented by University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension

We encourage you to attend Money Smart Week, especially since it’s free 𑁋 and that already gives you a head start. If you have questions about any material covered at Money Smart Week or want to speak with a Collins Community Credit Union advisor about getting your finances in order, contact us today!

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